Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Accented Beats

Depending on whether the music is duple, triple or quadruple time, some beats are accented (louder) than other beats. In duple time the first beat is louder, in triple time the first beat is louder and in quadruple time the first beat is louder and the third beat is quite loud.

In the example below, the top stave of music is in triple time, so the first beat of each bar is louder. The second stave of music is in quadruple time, so the first beat is loud and the third beat is quite loud.

The rule is:

Duple Time             Strong Weak, Strong Weak.
Triple Time             Strong Weak Weak, Strong Weak Weak.
Quadruple Time      Strong Weak Medium Weak, Strong Weak Medium Weak.

Baxter, Harry and Michael Baxter. The Right Way To Read Music. Tadworth: Right Way, 1993. Print, p.20.

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