The picture below shows the pipes in a church organ. There are slits at the bottom of each pipe where the sound is produced. Each pipe is different in length where notes of different pitch are sounded. The organ will also have a pedalboard which is played with the feet where additional low-pitched bass notes can be played. The pedalboard is set out like a keyboard. There are also pedals and stops (buttons) that create different effects.
- Photo credit: Willem Buys via / CC BY-NC-ND
The picture below shows the four keyboard arrangement of an organ.
- Photo credit: nrg_crisis (off for a while) via / CC BY-NC
The electronic organ usually has two keyboards and also a pedalboard which creates additional low-pitched notes.
Below is a small electronic organ with one keyboard and one pedal.
Warburton, Annie O. Basic Music Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Print, pp. 148 and 150.